Friday, September 20, 2013

Everything Starts To Change!

       Hola! First of all.. Assalamualaikum w.b.t.. So, Bebear sejak kebelakangan ne and start bulan 8 td bz sikit.. And Insyaallah bz till final year ta0n neh.. Smuanya sbb PBS, PBS and PBS! What the hack smue ne.. Haish.. Form 2 pun dah sibuk en.. Tu la, naik menyampah jgk jadik students ne.. First generation of PBS pulakk tu! Huish, naek gilerr cmni.. Hurm, sum1 ir sum2 tolong la kasi kata2 smgt skt utk truskan my life nem -ayat mcm stress sgt dh.. Hattuih-
         Bebear pun update blog neh guna fon jerr.. Mne sempat nk bkk lp segala.. I just nak share ape yg happened dlm id0p i lately.. Mcm2 dh jd tw.. #SBT (::scandal0us_bl0gger Team::) telah bbrp kali brgduh ats sbb perselisihan dan lain2.. Hehehe.. Tak nice la hd0p klw berkawan tp tak pernah gad0wh.. Tp #SBT gad0wh tak lama pun..
           Dan mcm2 yg happened dlm #SBT.. Too many words to say, too many secret to keep.. What's wrong with our friendship? Ktorang ok jerr but i can feel that somethin isn't goin right here.. Because everyone are secretive than past.. Neslo Ais dgn sakitnya.. Mr Mooroko dgn..? MM, pls tell us.. Apa yg berulang lg? Ap yg u simpan dlm hty?
            Bebear tw.. Not everything we can share.. But we as your friends will try the best to help our friends! No matter what, our friendship is the precious one..
            One more, apesal sekarang kita semua tak macam dulu ah? Kenapa kita macam semakin renggang? Mmg kita tak tunjuk tapi ada something yg aq dapat rasa.. Kita sekarang senang sangat nk mrh2.. Selalu sgt brgaduh.. -even kat luar aq bwt derk je, tp dlm hty aq sedih tw atas smua ni- 
             Dear Miss F (a.k.a Victory Is My Destiny), Dik Na, Mr Mooroko, Neslo Ais.. Hubungan yg kita cipta ni atas dasar kawan.. Senang je kita nk sebut 'KAWAN' tp to make it into a 'FRIENDSHIP' u may through a long way untill it's perfect..
            Stop discuss psl benda atas tu.. Bebear sekarang ada projek cheerleading dgn #SBT! For subjek Jasmani sebenarnya.. So, fun jgk la.. Tp I susah pick up tarian2 tu.. Hurm,, tp enjoy jgk.. Isnin ni pulak #SBT join a trip to KL! Sehari jerp.. We'll visit Google's Company.. Insyaallah, kitorang akan snap gambo bebanyak yerp.. So, smpy d sini jerr.. Thanks all!
~I'm Sharing My Happiness~
Sincerely: Bebear_Jr